MP3 Reading
15 min or 30 Min
Welcome! Sometimes we all just need a little help and support, and we don't want to leave home to get it! Judy will connect with the energy that is available for your highest and best, and deliver your reading to you via MP3 right into your inbox. Spirit is always there... waiting for us to 'listen' and heed the wise counsel offered, and an MP3 reading allows you to go about your day while your order is attended to and processed.*
Love/Soul-mate Connection, Money, Career, Relationships...We can touch on any area of life that you wish! The world is full of synchronicities and mysteries...having someone to help you "connect the dots" or find your way through confusing or difficult times can be a true blessing!
** Delivery will be completed in up to 4 days.
Love/Soul-mate Connection, Money, Career, Relationships...We can touch on any area of life that you wish! The world is full of synchronicities and mysteries...having someone to help you "connect the dots" or find your way through confusing or difficult times can be a true blessing!
** Delivery will be completed in up to 4 days.
Two Simple Steps to order:
Step One
Choose session and Purchase:
Choose session and Purchase:
Step Two
Submit Your Information:**
Submit Your Information:**
**Please submit the following information via email to [email protected]:
1) Your first name and photo, and the first names (and photos helpful too if possible) of any person(s) included in your question.
2 Your questions:
For the $40 order: Three questions (up to 15 minute reading)
For the $75 order: Six questions (up to 30 minute reading)
1) Your first name and photo, and the first names (and photos helpful too if possible) of any person(s) included in your question.
2 Your questions:
For the $40 order: Three questions (up to 15 minute reading)
For the $75 order: Six questions (up to 30 minute reading)
All sessions and services are for entertainment purposes only.